Running a small business is all-consuming at the best of times, so when it comes to taking a break – are you ACTUALLY taking a break? Technology is great, it allows us to stay connected wherever we might be holidaying, but is this a healthy attitude for you or your business?
The barriers
Checking in on emails, even if it is just now and then, does not allow you to switch off completely. But I’m guessing you can’t quite bring yourself not to look! What if something urgent crops up? What if I miss out on new business? What if a decision needs to be made that only I can make?
The solution
Luckily there is an answer, and it won’t cost you much financially, but it will benefit you hugely.
One of the great things about using a VA is that there are no fixed-term obligations so you can literally take them on for the few weeks you are away. My work during the holiday periods (August in particular) is predominantly made up of monitoring clients’ inboxes and diaries while they take a proper holiday. Clients can delegate email and diary access on a temporary basis (no sharing of passwords required) and take comfort in the fact that I will do that checking-in bit for them.
We always agree beforehand what would be classed as “urgent” and require me to contact them, but it is a last resort. We agree what availability they have in their diary for scheduling of appointments. In the end, the majority of queries are easily handled by a VA and agreeing a few extra parameters can give you the peace of mind you need.
The reward
Do not under-estimate the importance of a proper break. Aside from the physical and mental health benefits which we all know about, there are business benefits too. Allowing yourself to detach from the minutiae of running your business makes space for some deeper thinking processes. This might include future strategic planning, reflecting on the direction you are taking or simply allowing new ideas to flow.
You may even get a taste for delegation and the freedom it can bring you.
The only thing you have to do is make an agreement with your VA and then go forth and relax.