The two questions I always get asked…

questions for a virtual assistant




What sort of clients do you have and what sort of work do you do?

These are the two things I get asked all the time and the answers are essentially the same – a right old mixture!

My Clients

They are from an eclectic range of professions:

HR, nutrition, public speaking, networking, immersive technology, mental health, coaching, sleep training for infants, PR, accountancy.


Very different areas of expertise and very different subject matters, which brings the variety to my job that I love.   I guess the thing they all have in common is that they are running successful businesses and have got to the point where outsourcing is a god-send for them.

My Work

In terms of what I do for them, well (deep breath)..


For some I write blog content and newsletter content.  I write job descriptions, emails, notifications.


For many I pull together their newsletters on Mailchimp.  For some I create powerpoint or word presentations. I create infographics and images on Canva.


For some I research marketing opportunities, speaking opportunities, venue searches, competitor analysis, tools and services.

Proofing and editing

For some I proofread important pitches – provide that all-important second pair of eyes.  For some I transcribe and edit email and facebook scripts. For some I edit and upload content to their websites.


For many I manage their inbox and/or diary, be it on a regular basis or simply as holiday cover.


For some I have admin rights to their invoicing tool and prepare and chase invoices


This is often the unofficial part. I’m always scanning for better ways of doing things. I’ll email clients if I see something of use to them. I’ll email them if something doesn’t quite look right.  I’m the person they can message when they can’t get to their laptop but something needs sorting.

The subtext

There is a subtext to these questions, of course.  What they are often turning over in their mind is:

Can you help me, and would it work?

And the answers are yes, and yes.